sheikh Muhammed Mahmoud Abdulmuhdy

Egyptian professor at Alazhar university , faculty of Da’awah ( islamic calling )  department of HADEETH .

2010 …PhD …Alazhar university

 2005 Bachelor then Master degree .. Alazhar university .

 Other qualifications .

Training course in CMS system . Al-Madinah International University

 Training course in WIZIQ live class .. Al-Madinah International University

 Training course in Educational measurement and evaluation and building an electronic question bank… Al-Madinah International University

 The role of the subject bank in enriching the scientific research process and ways to deal with it … Al-Madinah International University.

 Postgraduate work training in the campus system…Al-Madinah International University .

 Projects, scientific researchs , IGAZAs ..

  History of the Qur’an and its motives. 2015 .

Dialogue between the shepherd and the shepherd in Islam, 2016 in Al-Madinah International University magazine

And Tens of degrees, reports, researchs , IGAZAs , Projects we can’t count it in many magazines, universities and countries like Egypt, Malaysia..

Books ( Authors)

  1. التخريج التوصيفي . علم الحديث
  2. دراسة تطبيقية لحديث جبريل . علم الحديث
  1. تصنيف السيرة النبوية .
  2. قطرات الندى للقلوب والأفئدة
  3. تفقه لتسلم
  4. بحث في القراءة خلف الإمام . حديثي فقهي